Some Randomness From My Life
Well so Friday night, we went to see Sunday in the Park with George, but Donna couldnt come, which totally just sucked donkey dick...long story short, I promised her that I would come again Saturday night with her... Anyways, the show was really good, Adam did a fabulous job... even tho they didnt have the orchestra in the pit, I guess it was behind a curtain or something... I dunno. So yay for Adam! Also, Adam is moving to Virgina, well I guess today... Sunday. Im gonna miss him, its not like I see him all the time or anything, but still Ill miss him, hes a great friend and I love him dearly. But, alas, he is moving on to bigger and better things, and therefore, I am very happy for him. I know he'll be back to visit and stuff, and not like we live in the stone age where cell phones, instant messager, and email dont exist, so really, not a big deal. But still. I hope everything goes well in Virgina, and all that good stuff...
So Friday night Rob IMed me on my phone (because still not internet... stupid comcast) and well I havent talked to this boy in over a year.. last time was around Christmas of 2003, and those of you who know the story know what it involves, so no need to expand there. Well since I was using my phone, eventually I was like dude, heres my number just call me because Im wasting a shit load of text messages on this conversation. So in short, he called and attempted to convince me to come over to his apt at around 2am or him come over to mine... I declined his offer (after much debate) because well, I know I can go without sleep... but I had shit to do tonight till around midnight... and I didnt want to be driving home from Donnas in South Dallas at 11:30 with no sleep (plus it was raining tonight... but of course I didnt know this at the time the offer was given) and it would have basically just been a bad idea. Well he was supposed to call me when he got off work tonight.. I guess sometime between 12 and 1, and its not almost 3, and no call. I had called him tho, around 2 and pretty much said, I guess Im going to try to go to bed, so yeah call me if u still wanna hang out, if not no big deal Ill ttyl.
Also, today I found out that AJ was accepted to Rochester for Grad School... yay to him, and when I got home I IMed him to say congrats and whatnot... we talked on aim for awhile about random stuff, his girl issues, and other randomness... well when I went outside to smoke I asked him if it was cool if I called (because well, havent talked to him since November... only real decent conversations included) and he said yes.. talked for a little bit more... and because Im bored, and had already planned on Rob coming over tonight (which was obviously a bust) and not sleeping, I invited him over.. after a long debate he said okay... So yeah, Im assuming hes in the shower, thats what hes supposed to be doing at least... honestly Im bored, and just a tensy bit horny... because as I said... I was planning on Rob coming over... So yeah, not totally sure whats going to happen, but sometimes thats a good thing right... btw, he got his eyebrow pierced, from the pic he sent me it looks way cool... cant wait to see it when he gets here. Damn, hes been in the shower a while, I hope he didnt drown or anything...
Work today was decent, for being in the crappy section (for the 2nd saturday in a row) I was in. I made aroung 60ish after tip out... which you should know by now, is ridiculous on Saturdays. Not great, but not terrible either... But I got replaced at 2, and it was great timing because all 3 of the tables I had just ordered and perfect for Tristan to take them from me so that i could get out of there and head on to Donnas to have lunch and what not before we left. So yeah I work again tomorrow, on my way home tonight Carissa called me begging me to pick up her pm shift Sunday, didnt really want to because I sort of have previous engagements... but she was about to come over and give me $90 if I did it... which made me highly consider it, but before I could awnser Fran had called her back and said he would do it for $20... but oh well, I open tomorrow and I would have ended up closing as well... not like that compares to Rob's 14 hour day, but oh well. So this way I can still do what I was planning on tomorrow, but im not $90 richer... oh well. Okay, well AJ is on his way and Im gonna jump into the Shower. I left you with enough randomness for today :)
By the way, comcast finally got their asses to our apartment this morning and we now have cable and interent again... if you didnt figure that out already... :)
Auf Wiederschrieben!
Stupid... Fucking Comcast
So I got home from a double on Monday night... I got my dinner, sat my happy tired ass on the couch ready to watch family guy... i turn on the tv and.... ggsgggsssgggsss (the sound of static)... theres nothing but snow and static on the tv. Grrrr... So I attempted to use the internet! Nope, so I called comcast, talked to 2 very stupid people who said there was nothing wrong and the eariliest they could get anyone out to fix anything was Saturday! Damn it! Jen and I both work on Saturday, but I scheduled a time for them to come out anyways. Well a little while later I called the internet people (because the first time I called, I talked to the tv people). She told me that there was a problem in my area and it should be fixed by morning... Alrighty... so Tuesday morning comes... Still not tv or internet. Fuckers! Jen called on Tuesday and they said it would be fixed in a few hours, was it... nope! So last night we called again and by now Jen was furious... and basically the same thing. But she went off on them because they told her the same thing they had been telling us, itll be fixed by morning. Do they think we would keep calling if it was fixed this morning? Are we that stupid? Hell no, but they are... anyways... ahhh so I am currently at Nancys house, using the internet for the first time since Monday night, and I am going to be watching the Apprentice tonight.... since I cant watch it at my apartment.
Adams musical is tomorrow, Angela, Donna, Nancy, and I are going. I am very excitied, but damn, I am going to miss him when he's gone... so sad.
Work on Monday morning was a joke. It was dead, it shouldnt have been except for the weather was beautiful so not many people wanted to come to the mall on their day off of school... I wouldnt. But the night shift was a little better. I took a break (because James made us) and Monesa and I went to Saltgrass and got lunch. I go there about once a week.. but hey, why not... its 50% off! So no biggie, plus I pay $18 a month for the discount anyways, so why not use it.
Tuesday was pretty decent, I only worked at night. We got kinda busy for a little while (well busy for as many people we had on the floor) and Leo asked me to help out John with his party (because he was in the bar as well... why they gave him a party... I dont know) and since he couldnt force him to give me any of the money he made off of them... he bought me dinner. I got a $19 meal for FREE! Yay! I was happy. Everyone was like, damn did u make a shit load of money tonight.... I wish, Leo just bought it for me for helping John out.
So now theres this new rule for the Kids meals on Wednesday night. Apprently as long as one Adult Entree is purchased they can get as many meals as they want for $1.99! Bull Shit! The problem here is this: If there is a large table with like 10 kids and 2 Adults, thats shit for money. We do the same amount of work, and get a lot less money out of it. It used to be 1 kids meal per adult entree... which makes sense, but apparently when corporate made the new table tents, it doesnt say per it just says "with the purchase of an adult entree." To me that means the same thing... but apparently to the stupid customers it doesnt. Oh well, Ill deal, its only once a week anyways.
So yeah... I made my car payment gotta get money for rent taken care of next. Jen paid rent yesterday and I was like, hey thats your choice, you didnt ask me before you went so dont ask me for money until its really due on the 3rd. I asked her why she paid so early... she has to be the only person I know who pays a week in advance. She said she had the money so she wanted to go ahead and get it taken care of... whatever, Ill give you mine when I get it, by the 3rd! :)
So I guess thats it. Just waiting for Comcast to fix the shit in our apartment and then I will be a happy Annie. I just dont understand why it takes almost a week to get someone out to fix the problem. Do they really have that many problems that they cant get out any sooner than that? Thats kinda shitty if you ask me. Anyways... enough for now
Auf Wiederschrieben!
Ich kann schlafen nichts!
I cant sleep, too lazy for a real post... so I stole this from Sally and here you gp
1. What time did you get up this morning? 2:30pm!
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds are a girls best friend!
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Oh my god, I cant remeber, is that sad?
4. What is your favorite TV show? family guy, svu, apprentice
5. What did you have for breakfast? bagel
6. What is your middle name? Margaret
7. What is your favorite cuisine? german or italian
8. What foods do you dislike? Canned Tuna
9. What is your favorite chip flavor? I like tortilla chips or cheddar and sour cream ruffles
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? A Perfect Circle 13th step
11. What kind of car do you drive? 1998 Chevy Malibu
12. Favorite sandwich? PBJ, none other
13. What characteristics do you despise? fake and dishonest people
14. Favorite item of clothing? flip flops or any of the new clothes I have recently purchased!
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? An all out Europe trip.... Germany, Amsterdam, Italy, Spain, France... etc
16. What color is your bathroom? an off white color
17. Favorite brand of clothing? Anything *on sale* from Lane Bryant
18. Where would you retire to? where ever my family is :)
19. Favorite time of day? late night/early morning
20. What is your most memorable birthday? Sweet 16 was pretty good, 17 was fun, 18 was interesting, 19 ick, 20 was Dr Pepper museum, trip to waco.... can choose probably 16, 17 or 20
21. Where were you born? Plano, TX
22. Favorite sport to watch? Swimming
23. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? I dunno, I guess the question should be who will post this... Sally because she emailed this to me
24. Person you expect to send it back first? dunno?
25. What fabric detergent do you use? Purex, because its cheap-o
26. Coke or Pepsi? Screw that, im a dr pepper lady!
27. Are you a morning person or a night owl? night owl... i cant wake up for the life of me!
28. What is your shoe size? 9 or 10 depending on the shoe
Still not tired....
I worked today, got there an hour early thinking I had to be there at 4, nope 5! Shit, oh well, so I just sat around for awhile and talked to people and such. I got cut pretty early too which was exciting considering it was Kids Night and I despise Kids Night. So I called Mark and we met up at Salt Grass and I had some yummy food for dinner. I was so hungry at work, one of the kitchen guys said that he would make me somethig, but I would have felt bad if he got in trouble because our kitchen manager was one of the anal guys, so that would have sucked. And Im too nice for that.
My buddy, Rich, from work, needed some stuff from Frys and I mentioned that my dad worked there and could get him a discount, so he met me up there yesterday. The sucky thing was that he was driving from Grapevine and got stuck in terrible traffic and I didnt know until I was more than half way to my dads work. So I hung out with my dad for liek an hour... that was great fun, lemme tell you! *Please not the sarcasm* He took a break and I went with him and we talked mostly about my brother and the situation hes in, and wont let himself get out of... stupidity if you ask me... but my dad is such a hypocrite (sp?) he does the same things my brother does, but he just tells him hes wrong and yells at him and shit. Its very stupid... all very, very stupid!
Oh also while I was at Frys, the top ball on my tounge ring came loose, and I was trying to get it out of my mouth and my dad came up behind me and scarewd the shit out of me, so I choked on it! I was like FUCK! but its fine now... when I got to nancys I was looking for something to hold it in, i mean, itll stay if u turn it over and have the ball on top and the open side on the bottom... but it just gets annoying because it comes out and hurts sometimes. And the stupidest thing was, while I was at the mall yesterday I was looking at replacement balls for barbells. (I have actually lost quite a few in the past few months, which is really pissing me off... oh well) But I didnt buy any.
I also got my hair cut yesterday and re-dyed it (same color: BlueBlack). I like it, he did a good job styling it, but since it was kinda windy, that all went to hell. Especially after Nancy dyed it later on that night, yeah looked like ass because it was all nasty because of the dye.. much better now tho. The length is about the same, he cut off a little to get rid of the crappy shit, and layered the front and back. I usually go shoulder length when I get it cut, but I want to keep it a little longer, at least for a little while, something different. Plus you can do a lot cooler things with longer hair... heres the girly side coming out.
Why am I not asleep? Jens staying at Wes' tonight, thats probably why. I could always go watch tv, but thats too easy, I want to find other ways to keep myself amused... such as writing in my blog.
Did I not mention yet that I am so incredibly excitied and happy for Elizabeth! The porosal has to be the sweetest thing I have ever heard! Yay for her (I know Ive said this before, leave me alone)
However, it is kinda wierd to think someone I have known for over 10 years is going to be getting married. Shell be the first person in my group of friends from High School (and earlier) that I still talk to thats getting married. its just an odd thought that makes you stop for a second and realize that we are growing up, and we are going to be moving on with our lives. I mean I know that we have moved on, gone to different schools and what not, but getting married, commiting your life to someone... woah, thats huge. And shell be the first one of my good friends to do it. Well wait, no Julie is getting married this summer, but I havent known her as long as Ive known Liz, and I guess thats what I am talking about... Ok enough wierd thoughts...
I miss school, never thought I would say that. I am so bored without studying and homework and crap.... even when you skip class (which is normal for me) youre still busy because youre either A. worried about what you missed or B. trying to figure out what you missed by doing extra work... (for me its usually A). I miss being in class and learning. What really pisses me off, I guess, is that I really think I know what I want to do now... instead of just taking some shit classes and blowing them off because I still had not decided what i wanted to do... and now that I know what I want and cant go out there and get it. I know I eventually will be able to, but I want to NOW... impatience kicking in. Its just that I wasted 2 1/2 years not knowing what I wanted and now I do, and I want it, but its still out of reach... Grr!
So I guess I wasnt too lazy for a real post after all... But thats all for now kids, thats all I can think of really... and Im making myself mad now because of this school issue... Gute Nacht!
Auf Wiederschrieben!
Congratulations Elizabeth!!!!!
Hey kids! Just want to say major Congrats to Elizabeth on her Engagement to Chase! I am so happy for her!
Well I worked tonight... not too bad $75 on $500 in sales, so I guess I really cant complain too much! I did have some pretty crappy people tho, especially my last table... urgh... They sat there forever after I was cut, this lady took over an hour to eat 3 crab cakes. They were nice tho, but still.... and they left me 5 on 60... fuckers... I mean come on, if u sit somewhere for over an hour leave at least a decent tip. $5??? That can buy me.... a little bit of gas or a pack of ciggarettes... whooo freakin whooo! Oh well.. I guess the worst part was, I was cut right after they sat down and they took forever to finish up and pay me! Grrr... As i said, other than that, nothing was really that bad...
I went shopping today, bought 3 shirts and 4 items of jewelry. There was this incredibly cute skirt that I also found, blown with thin yellow pinstripe like stripes on it, and a yellow shirt too match. There was only one skirt left, but I didnt have enough money on me (which was probably a good thing) but if I go back tomorrow (im terrible i know!) and its no there, I guess it wasnt meant to be.... not like I wouldnt try another store or anything (innocent grin).
My ear still really freakin hurts, Ive been taking care of it... it doesnt hurt to lay on anymore tho, which is a good thing because I move a lot when I sleep. Its getting better tho... yay! Well i really cant think of much more for today...
Auf Wiederschrieben!
New Piercing!
Sorry I haven't updated in over a week, not much has happened in the past week except for playing morrowind almost every free second of my time.... oh well, not like I have anything else to do right??
Well yesterday I spent the day with mark, got food at the bavarian grill... yummy and just hung out and whatnot, went to my moms. We went to PuttPutt and I played Soul Calibur, beat his ass, and then I played against the computer and got 4th place out of all the people who have played that game before, that was pretty excting. Later on, after getting my tax return moola... we went to Ace in the Hole, where I got a new piercing... its the one on the lower part of my ear (ive had my cartlidge done for some time) sorry the picture looks funny colors, i took it with my phone.... plus I just got off work, so my hair looks like ass! anyways, its hard to describe so just lookie!

Cool huh? I wanted to get a rook, the top part on the inner ear cartlidge, but Jen just did that awhile ago, so I want to be different, and Ill probably go get that done later on anyways! Yay! i love new piercings, there so much fun, everyones like does it hurt? Im like yeah, of course it hurts, but the hurt goes away. its swollen up a little bit too, which kinda sucks, oh well. Well Im off...
Auf Wiederschrieben!
On Friday night, Mark is coming with me and my buddies Angela and William to my favorite Sushi Bar in Arlington. I am quite excitied. Hes never had it before, but I think hes planning on just trying some of mine and then see what happens. They do have some cooked food there, but come on, you gotta get the sushi!
Work tonight was the same old crap as always, but I did have to close tonight. I made $75 in 4 hours, so I really cant complain or anything. Enough to pay Kari the money she loaned me, get gas and go to Sushi tomorrow! Who-hoo! I also need to go to Ulta tomorrow and get my eyebrows waced, I might go to the one in Arlington depending on what Angela is doing tomorrow if she wants to hang out before we go to get food or not. Not that going with me to get hair pulled out of my face is too exciting or anything, but we'll see!
Today was my mommy's birthday! She got her phone cut off so I just went and visited her and Tom. We watched the end of the Terminal, I had seen it over the summer tho. So nothing too spectacular. I am going to take her out to lunch sometime next week... I didnt have much money on me today, plus I was lacking time because I had to be at work at 6, so I left about 4 so I wouldnt get stuck in traffic, but I did anyways, oh well.
Well I think thats enough randomness for today!
Oh!!!! I am so excitied about Adams musical at the end of February.... Its Sunday in the Park with George, Ive never heard of it before, but its still going be fun! Donna, Nancy and I are going. Ok now Im done!
Auf Wiederschrieben!
I love tax returns!
Yup.... so whats new? Not a whole lot has changed in a few days. I am going to be getting about $1100 back for my tax return. However, $500 is going straight to Nancy because she loaned me money for rent this month, but we are direct depositing the refund into her checking account anyways, so no big deal. I am also going to pay my speeding ticket that I got awhile back! Who-hoo! I am very excited about that, really, no sarcasm intended :o) Plus I am going to get new glasses! Excitied about that too, mine broke like last April or so, and I have just been going with out them. I mean I can see fine and all, but sometimes my eyes do get botherd. So thats exciting. And if there is anything left over after all that, I am going to just save it for rent/car payment.
Work tonight was retarded. Once again... what else is new. For over a year Wednesdays have been Kids eat for $.99 well for some reason they decided to change it to $1.99 starting tonight. We really dont know the reason behind it, probably corporate junkies just want more money in their pockets. I didnt really have any issues with anyone ofer the dollar difference but other people did. Leo was being a jerk to me, I dunno, maybe he wasnt and I was just in a bad mood. When I got there Ricky wanted to transfer a table to me and in front of James (stupid me) I said "well what do they look like," hoping they werent trashy or anything. He said they were Arabic and then James was like "Thats not very nice" I had to say I was just kidding but I really wasnt. I deal with enough trashy people (and I did tonight) that I really don't want anymore than are forced apoun me. ---- So back to the trash people I had tonight... their bill was $114 and I got $10 and they handed it to me so proudly. I mean, yeah, I knew that they werent going to give me much to start with but damn. And they sat there for well over an hour, took forever to order and the kids were really stupid and rude to me.... grr! Oh well, thats my life I guess. I also had this one lady and her husband get in a fight over something in front of me. I want to say "can i just get your order and when i walk away you guys can continue bitching at eachother," but of course I couldn't I just had to stand there... grr again!
I really truly despise my job! Oh well... whatcha gonna do...
After I got off (Gott Sie Dank!) I sent Mark a text message and he happened to be off at about the same time and we met up at Saltgrass and had a super yummy dinner :o) yay for 50% off! Whoo-hoo! I am taking Mark to Sushi with Angela and William on Friday. He's never had it before so thats going to be fun. He better not be a chicken about it, or else I am going to have to kick his butt! hehe!
I started playing Morrowind again. I havent played that in almost 2 years so I am kind of lacking in my skills. It is still a fun game, but because its been so long, plus I am playing the PC version and before I played XBox version, so its a bit different to move around a stuff. Oh well... wow I sound like a total nerd! Lol at me!
The corporate people weren't at work today, so that was exciting, we didnt have to worry about every little moce that we made while we had someone pretty much standing over our shoulders while we hoped we werent going to get fired. Alrighty kids....
~Auf Wiederschrieben!