Monday, February 16, 2004

Stories from TMEA

My my my, what a crazy weekend it was....weekend? Lol, since Thursday really....
Thursday: Didnt take my ear training singing test because I #1 wasnt ready, and #2, Mer didn't take hers yet and I told her that I would wait because then we could tell Chave that we had tried to come by on Wed and he wasn't there blah blah. I was supposed to miss a Social Psychology test and take the make up at the end of the semester, so I didn't worry about studying right? WRONG! Dr. Pool emailed me back and told me that he had to move to the test to Tuesday (tomorrow) because we were behind the schedule for test.... oh thats right, thats what I should be doing right now... studying! Hmmm... So we left about 2 to go to San Antonio for TMEA.... we took Jen's car, I drove from Temple, it wasnt a bad drive at all. I like the speed limits on 35S, its 70, which means I can go 80 hehe. We stopped in San Marcos because Briana and Jen wanted to go to the Outlet Mall, they took forever at this damn store. I love them both to death.... but I am the type of person that when I am driving somewhere, I don't like to stop unless it is absoulutley nescessary. So yeah, that went against my plan. Oh well... So we finnaly got to our hotel, which was wonderful... the beds... OMG the beds! Im such a nerd! Well then we got reayd to go to dinner, it was almost 11 when we left, and by then everything was closed... so we ended up going to Dennys. It was nasty.... then we ended up at the hotel where the KKY people were staying... they stayed in a Days Inn... it was sooo sad. The headboards were nailed into the walls. It was depressing and the beds sucked.... I felt bad for Mer, and everyone else... So somehow, Tunde and Carraway ended up coming back to our hotel with us... I don't remeber what was said, but yeah. So were going to bed, it was Me, Jen, and Tunde in one bed and Briana and Carraway in the other. I couldn't sleep so I got on the floor with some pillows and a blanket and then Tunde got up and stepped on me on his way to the bathroom. Then I heard the shower turning on.... Jen had literally kicked him out of bed. I hadn;t gotten any sleep yet. Then he got out of the shower and decided to sleep in the chair. I woke up and realized she had the whole bed to herself so I was liek screw the floor. I tried so hard to move her, and wake her up, I was not sucessful.... so I just jumped in bed as fast as I could... Finnaly I got some sleep and then of course, the alarm went off.
FRIDAY: I was so tired, and bitchy all day. I had to apologize to Jen and Briana for that. We went to the convention, it was nice, we didnt go to any clinics, but we saw a few bands and choirs... yay recital lab credit. I saw the UNT A Capella choir, they were really good, but I fell asleep, I was so damn tired. Jermaine, Carraway, and Rene Pena ended up going to dinner with Jen, Briana and I. Well were exiting the parking garage and a honking war started. It was fucking hilarious. Jermaine leaned over and started honking the Bolero theme on the horn and then he finised and it was silent. We were laughing and this guy goes HONKKKKK! Then this lady came out and everyone stopped and this one dumbass honked his horn, and I raised my hands up *I was driving Jens car* and the shakes her finger at him, so when we finnaly got out of there I just layed on the horn. Hehe.... Dinner was fun, we went to Chuys, we had to wait forever tho...but the food was pretty good, but the whole time we were there this lady was drunk and laughing, but it wasnt jsut a hehehe laugh, it was a damn cackle, we were making fun of her the whole meal. Everyone in the restuarant was getting pissed at her. SO then we went back to the Days Inn, and we were going to drink, well it started Sleeting and we had to get back to our hotel, or stay, well, I didnt want to stay, so we had to leave early, and take our stuff back to our hotel. Well... we still had Tunde's bag, so that got everything upstairs for us... We didnt drink that much, we had like one each and then went to bed.
SATURDAY: Jen and Briana left at about 10 to go shopping..again...and then they got back and we checked out and stuff. Went downtown to the convention... the 4A All State concert, which my student Kim is in... was at 1:30, we were looking for a parking spot for almost 2 hours, and missed the performance. We are definatley staying downtown next year, booking the hotel in like November! We went to a clinic that Briana wanted to go to, and that was about it... We didn't do much on Saturday, it was more like a wasted day, which sucked. Tunde got his bag and we headed home, We spent an hour getting out of downtown and back to 35N. But after that, we were fine, I slept about the whole way back. We stopped in Georgetown and went to Chipotle and Starbucks. I got free coffee because I smiled at the Barista and told him that I was poor so I wasn't going to get anything. Jen was upset, but oh well hehe... Then I layed down in her backseat and slept the rest of the way home. Woke up in Arlington when we were dropping off Briana, got in the front, kinda in daze. Got back to my apartment, talked to Mer a bit and went to bed....
SUNDAY: I had to work, I was dead, I had to be there at 11:15, I didn't even think about requesting it off. But I was supposed to be off at 3, but they were understaffed, I didn't leave until 6:30. I was pissed! Oh well, and then I went to Nancys and watched SATC, and tivo didnt get the last few minutes... so I have no idea what happened with Big! I am sooo bad. She set it re-record it later, but still... grrr! Then I headed back to Arlington, studied German a bit and went to bed. At 1am, Mer called, she had just gotten out of her KKY meeting, and she needed me to come get her... so I did. And then went to bed.
MONDAY: Didn't even hear my alarm this morning. I woke up at 10:45, completely missed Theory and said screw it to my German test... I wasn't ready anyways. I am going to try to take the test during the 9am class on Wed, and then go to my 11am class.... But I need to email her. I have a lot of old hw I need to do for that class. At least she is nice about make up tests.... Gott Sie Dank! Then I went to Band and percussion class... and yeah. I was going to go see Donna *AJs Mom* but Rob came up today, so yeah, she didn't awnser her phone.... which is completley okay! I am so happy for her. So I went and washed my car, went to dinner with Mer and Buck 'N Loons. Our waiter was pretty cute and I colored on the kids menu and I made him look like a Show girl, and he laughed at me and I did as well... And as we were leaving he told me to keep my smile, it looks good on me. hehe! BTW, I look like abosulte crap today... so yeah.... He didn't tell us his name tho, so I have to go back in there, and point him out to the host.... Then we went to the mall so she could find some jeans... and then to Target. Came home, studied Psyc for a bit and now I am in the library doing this... Ahhh.... Isn't college wonderful!?!????
So I think that covers it....


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