Friday, January 16, 2004

Azle is far, far away!

Texas is retarded. 2 days ago it was 80 degrees, we were setting record highs and now its freaking 30 something outside. I don't mind cold, I mean I want to live up north like Chicago or something, but I want it to stay cold, none of this back and forth crap. It makes me sick *literally* I have been coughing so hard today that my stomach aches! This blows. But other than a horrible cough, I am much better than I was this weekend. I got Austin sick over the phone... lol we haven't seen each other in over a week and we had the exact same symptoms the same days... kinda wierd....
Well I went to Azle to teach today, thats a hella long drive from Richardson, from Arlington its not bad, but damn... from home it sucks. 4 of my kids paid me for the month and one paid for todays lesson... thats still 7 who didn't pay me. One of my girls owes me from last month as well. Thats just slightly annoying. But anywho, I have enough to get my bank account positive again.. its been awhile since that happened. Hopefully they didn't close my account. I haven't gotten any letters saying they have so I am not too worried. Ugh, I need to find out how much my books are going to be for the semester. My music lit book is supposed to be incredibly expensive. However, I don't have to get a new German book, tha put a big dent in my pocket last semester. Eh... oh well.... Good night!
Mood: Wonderful except for an aching tummy


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