Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Azle Is Not Close, Please come to your Lessons!

So yeah, I went to Azle to teach today... ok I have 7 students.... I taught 3 today. Okay now I wouldn't be that pissed but Azle is an hour and half from Richardson... One of my kids, Kara, called me last night and told me she wasn't going to be there, so no big deal. Well apparently Kim, my really good student who made state (yay for her) can't take lessons on Tuesdays. Does she call me and try to work things out? No she tells Rayanna and I hear it from Rayanna. Bah! What am I supposed to do? Plus Kim still has 2 originals of mine... Saint-Seans Sonata and Weber Concertino. I like her and all, and I love teaching her because there is so much more that I can do with her, but damn, she doesn't even have the decency to call me and let me know. Then Cara didn't show up to school today... nothing new, but again she didn't call me. She still owes me from December lessons as well. Well Rayanna told me she wasn't at school.... so during my hour break *rolls eyes* I called her to see what was up and whoever answered the phone said that she wasn't available. Grrr! I was said well just let her know she missed a lesson and because she missed a lesson, she still owes me. I mean, if you wake up and you are sick, fine, I won't charge you but damn it, call me! It’s not that hard. Then I called Ricky because his time is 6:30 and I wasn't about to wait around for another hour after Crystal's lesson.... so I called him to see if he wanted to move up. Well he said he wasn't coming today! Bah! WTF! You were at school and you’re just not coming to your lesson. I know I missed a few lessons in high school, but I always had a good reason, usually I was sick. Especially if it was during the summer, I always called Mrs. Deuby and told her the minute I knew I wouldn't be having a lesson. Dumb kids! So yeah, I taught 3 lessons today but I was there for 2.5 hours because an hour I was doing nothing.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
On a lighter note, my campus life account still isn't clear so maybe I'll be getting the larger amount back. You would think they would do it all at once... I don’t know
I took this quiz, it said I should move to#1 Worcester, Massachusetts... umm?I like#4 Boston, Massachusetts#5 Hartford, Connecticut#7 Chicago, Illinois#8 Long Island, New York
Mood: Frazzled!


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