Sunday, December 28, 2003


So yeah, I have come to the conclusion once again that work sucks. After yesterday's 12 hour shift, I could barely even stand at work today. My feet felt like bricks, not able to bend and just absolutely horrible to stand up. I came home and used my foot bath... and ahhh, much needed relief. Jen and I need to win the lottery, that would make life so easy. They say that money can't buy happiness, but damn, it can get you pretty damn close! I don't work tomorrow... yay, but I do need the money, but there is no way in hell that I am going to that damn restuarant tomorrow. I made $31 tonight, and yes it was a Saturday night. I was in a really crappy bar section. Well all the bar sections are crappy, but I was in the worst one. Oh well, at least I wasn't that busy, I might not have been able to handle it.... well I am sure that I could have, but any-who...
Have you ever come to a point in your life when you aren't sure what you have been working towards for awhile (in my case the last year and a half at school) is really want you want to do. I love music, and I love teaching, but I don't know if I will be good at combing the two concepts together and being a band director. I love teaching people new things and showing them what can be done if you want it that bad, but I don't know if I want to make that my life. I thought that I had everything figured out in May. This is going to sound really dorky, but when I went to my High School band's concert in May, everything just clicked. The whole Spring semester I had been debating within myself what I wanted to do. Then at the concert everything just seemed to fit and I had it figured out. Well now I am back to not knowing again. Truthfully, I decided to do music education because that is the only thing I think I am good at. I didn't know what else I could do. I decided that my sophomore year of high school, which was about four and a half years ago. I don't know, I am just ranting. I am going to stick with music education, because I am sure that no matter what it is what I will come back to because it is what I have wanted, or thought I wanted, for so long. Gah, I don't know, I am just ranting about absolutely nothing.
At work, I meet some of the most amazing people, and I am not talking about a good amazing either. I don't understand why people (in my case customers) feel like they have to treat other people (in my case the servers and myself) like shit to make themselves feel better. Well I don't even know if it is making them feel better, I just don't understand why they have to do that. I try not to let people get to me, because if they knnow they have gotten under my skin, then they have succeeded. On Friday Allie had a 15 top and they treated her like crap. I don't want to sound racist, and I swear this is how everything went down. It was an all African-American table and Allie is white, well anyways, they were decent to her for the first few minutes, then they started pulling on her butt towels bitching at her to get them more *whatever they needed* but she hadn't even had time to go get it yet. They constantly bitched at her. Well the tab was about 250 bucks, and they wanted split checks, first off, I would not have done split checks for 15 people... Well the gratuity was added to the bill, and this one lady said she didn't want to pay it. So the manager had to take it off, but once she said something about it, everyone wanted it taken off. So now she knows she fucked because that a $45 grat that shes not going to get. Well 2 checks were walked, which was like $60. So yeah, now the poor girl is in the hole 60 bucks because these people didn't pay. I would have gone ballistic. Well Lee didn't take anything off for the messed up bills, but when it came time to check out she didn't have enough money, so Kristin did some fixing and Allie made 45 cents for a whole days work.... how much bull shit is that? Anyways, back to my orginal statement, like today these people ran me to death and were completely bitchy about everything... oh and they left me a 50 cent tip. Another thing that happened on Friday, this one girl (I can't remeber her name because it was the 2nd day that I have worked with her) well she waited on another African-American table, and shes white. Well she didn't do anything worng at all, but at the end they didn't leave her anything and they TOLD her "If you were black then you would have gotten something from us" how much bull shit is that?? People are so amazing its unreal. Ugh... well anyways, thats my rant for today....
Mood: Ready for a day off work, but I want to do something, I'm bored!


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At 7:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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