Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Pigs Can Fly... Who Knew?!

Grrr, blah, pooh, bleh, ugh. Yeah so I just got back from getting my oil changed (finally) and the guy told me all these things that were wrong with my car. I got the car from carmax back in August, and you know apparently carmax doesn't sell cars that have problems. Well yeah, someone put the wrong coolant in my car so now its getting all clumpy which causes all these problems (forgive me, I don't know shit about cars), the fuel filter has NEVER been changed and my car is a 98 Malibu, ummm... The cooling system needs to be flushed out. When I get my payments straight with Carmax I am going to go up there and bitch because I did get a year warranty for a reason Anyways... had to get that out...
I went to AJ's Mom's and Grandparents today, spent some time with all of them. It was fun. I got a purrty jewelry box from his mom (which I needed THANK YOU), and a foot soak thing from his grandparents (I am looking forward to that THANK YOU). His mom and grandparents are wonderful people. I am happy I don't have to feel wierd about spending time with them even tho we are broken up. But that would be really shitty if something was wrong with that. I mean damn, AJ and I were together for 3 years, what do you expect. I still can't believe its almost Christmas, its nuts... if I ever wore shorts, I could right now. Stupid Texas! Stupid weather! I want to live up North so I can actually see snow on Christmas, at least once. Well I remember one year we had Christmas sleet, but thats now SNOW!
Oh lordy, Austin, all I have to say is wow... I love ya, and pigs CAN now fly If you don't know, then don't ask....
I want to do something, but I am soo poor right now. I wanna just go to the mall and walk around, but that would be absolutley insane. I need new khakis for work before one of the managers notice that mine have patch pockets....oh no! But knowing me, I will push it as long as I can. Love to All!


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