Thursday, December 18, 2003


Hey guys! Well it has been a rather intresting day I guess you could say. I woke up at 9, I am having all sorts of problems sleeping late now. During school I couldn't get up for the life of me and now I'm awake at 8:30 or 9 every day. Anyways :) I have to go to work tonight, I am kind of looking forward to it. I had a nice break from work because I have been sick so I haven't worked since Saturday. Hopefully a cool manager will be there tonight so time will fly by. I can't believe Christmas is so close this is madness!! I'm so excited that all my friends from high school are going to be back in town. I am trying to get everyone together on Sunday night and have some of my friends from school come too. That would just be the funnest thing. Sorry I get easily sidetracked. I was watching Rich Girls on mTV just now...thats the most horrible thing I have ever seen on television. This stupid girl was walking around whole foods asking the people what kind of cheese she needs to put on Nachos and she was freaking out because there was no food in the refrigerator...but there was a ton. There was more food in there that Meredith and I have ever had. Sorry, people like that tend to piss me off...
Okay new subject... I am so happy, I finnaly got around to washing my car today. It was aboslutely disgusting! It took my 20 mins, and I am not joking. Plus I cleaned out the inside and vaccumed it with a dust buster. Its so nice to have a clean car again. Tomorrow I must tackle my room... it is sad when you have to step over things to get to your bed. I don't really have a walk way anymore...kinda depressing. Its not like I am a dirty person, I just get lazy with putting away clothes. Actually the ones all over the floor are clean, all the dirty clothes are in the closet. Kinda backwards isn't it?
I am so excited about the spring semester, especially because of SAI. We have a lot more girls now so we can start doing things for the community as well as the music program. Its easier to get noticed when you have more people, plus not just one person has to do all the work all the time. I love it tho :) Well I think that I have rambled enough for today, I need to go be lazt for a few more minutes before taking a shower and going to work :o)


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