Thursday, January 01, 2004

Goals for 2004

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wow, is my life exciting or what? Its 12:30 and I am at home.. yay me. Well in all honesty, I am exhausted and I don't feel to wonderful so I decided to just stay home. Plus I have to get up at 8 for work in the morning, so I feel like I have good reasons. I open tomorrow, so hopefully I will be off by about 3(ish) and I want to take Austin to dinner with his new boyfriend. I am so happy for him! He deserves someone wonderful :) *kisses to Austin* And Elizabeth works lunch tomorrow too so maybe she'll be able to come with us... yay! Tonight was hellish at work tonight. They gave the kids noise makers and did a balloon drop, so yeah, needless to say I had a horrible headache from all the balloons popping, screaming, and noise makers....never again. I can't wait until summer, everyone whos been there awhile says that summer is crazy mad money, so I am excited. If I stay it will be for that. I start teaching again next week... blah. I miss my kids, but I dont want to drive to Azle! Pooh! So yeah, I don't make "resolutions" because that is just asking to break them, instead I am going to make goals for myself... lets see...
1. No skipping class, unless I have a good reason. Sleep is not a good reason.

2. Homework done ON TIME

3. Start stuff early, no last minute crap

4. Stay organized

5. Clean room once a week

6. Get rid of all debt, make a list and figure out what goes where and when

7. Save money, aka actually use my savings account

8. Don't let checking account get f*cked up, keep book balanced

9. Block out time in my schedule to practice every day and always practice during that time

10. Work as much as possible, without hindering school

11. Don't whine so much

12. When school starts, block out time to work out everday *I say when school starts because I will be living on campus, and it will be easier to get there because right now I work as well*
I can't think of anything else right now, but if I do I will add it.

Until next time HAPPY 20TH AUSTIN.... I LOVE YOU!
Mood: Happy but tired


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