Monday, October 11, 2004

Abortion Rant

I just left a a comment on my friend adams xanga. heres what I said, its in response to kerry's awnser to the abortion question during the debate on friday
I think what Kerry meant by that is just because he believes one thing does not mean that because of what he believes he cannot make a descision for millions of women. Some women do it for very particular reasons, and sadly yes, others do it because... oppsss... didnt use a codom, shit. But for the women who need this option for health concerns or otherwise, it should still be open for them. Its sad to say that some women abuse this, but it is true. But I dont think that anyone should be able to say what someone can and cant do. Some people believe its murder, some believe that a fetus isnt a life yet, its just merley cells that have divided. I know that I am an intellegent human being, and I realize when I make the wrong descision, I know when I am doing something stupid. I dont think that I could get an abortion, just because I know that my father wanted my mother to get one with me, and if he would have done so, I wouldnt be here. But I dont know and most people dont know until they get pushed into a situation, and it seems as though there are only a few options. I believe the president should represnt everyone, not just his views on an issue. How do you feel when someone pushes their ideals or beliefs onto you? That is pretty much what he is saying with as a president, I have to represent all the people in the nation. And I have to make that judgment.
-----Therefore, if he made a descision, with only what he believed to be true, he would be forcing his beliefs on millions of people, regaurdless of what they believed. I hate it when people think they know whats best for everyone. Everyone doesnt live the same life, everyone cant make the same descisions, everyone doesnt believe the same thing. A president or anyone for that matter should not be able to tell someone what they can or cant do... if that abortion, or anything else.

ok im done now


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At 4:55 PM, Blogger japri19 said...

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