Sunday, June 20, 2004

I wanna crawl in a hole

This week fucking sucked, thats easily put! Work was terrible, I didnt make crap all week, tomorrow I have a car payment due and if I dont make it then well.... shit the repo man might find me and take my car which means i will be totally screwed over! But there is nothing I can do, I am trying to save our apartment but its becoming a lost cause and I am trying to get my car in order..... but I dont know which to do first. I dont have enough for either of them right now. I was to just crawl into my bed and cry for a long time. I dont know whats wrong with me, I dont know why I wait until I am over my head in all this shit to do anything about it and when I do its too late. Grrr! I have a day off work tomorrow, but I NEED the money, but I havent had a day off in like almost 3 weeks, so maybe Ill work tomorrow and have tuesday off... I dunno... I need to go before I lose it.


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