Monday, April 26, 2004

hehe... good day

Oh poopie man! I am so sleepy, I took a nap today and everything.
I just got home from going out with Austin and his friend Keith (?) that was super fun. We went to Saltgrass and Austn and I split a dessert. Brian wasnt working, which is good, because we didnt go there for him anyways :) and I didnt want to seem stalker-ish, because I wasnt meaning to. But yes, I still like him.
Mer and I went to the Jazz Orchestra thing at a country club last night, and Brian was there... hehe Mer took the seat next to Daniel so I could sit next to him. I felt like I was in high school. I dont really even know why I like this guy, but I do. And then the JO finished, and Mer and I went to tell Russ we were about to leave, but I got them to talk, because well, they needed to. And I went back and talked to Brian and Russ' best fried... forgot her name. We talked for a bit about stupid stuff, and yeah they came back, music, they ate some food... Mer and I wernt hungry. And everyone was involved in their own conversations and Brian just points to this spider and hes like u see that, how cool... it was so totally random but it was so cute. Damn.... . Mer said she mentioned to Russ that I like him, but I dont know if hes told him or not. Maybe if he has... thats good, but it could be bad as well.... dont know.
I was talking to Tunde and Jen earlier and I was telling Tunde how Jen and I were talking about flirting and the fact that we both suck at it. Tunde said I dont, I do it a lot. I was like are you kidding me? He was like no, you do it a lot and youre good at it too! I was amazed, I had no idea. He was like, now when you are consciously doing something, yeah you might think you suck, but when you dont think about it, you do it all the time. I was like wow, no idea bout that. Well enough for today, maybe things will get better


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