Sunday, October 31, 2004

I miss Melvin the Malibu

So I just got back from a 12 hour shift at work.... bah ram work! hehe! Anyways, I picked up a double because if i can make another car payment I can get my car back yay! I have about 120 so I need to make 50 tomorrow, plus a little extra for gas and well see what we can do. I miss my Melvin very much! I was really bad about going to class last week, very tired, sick, and well just downright lazy. I have barely ever gone to my Journalism class. I am going to try to go everyday until the end of the semester. I have missed that class at least 10 times... very bad, and very bad also because I dont know her policy on absences....eeek! Anyways, but its so stupid and I feel like a jerk for saying this because it sound kinds bad.... but i alreayd know everything that we do in the class.... i go and i sit there bored out of my mind... and then next semester i am going to have her again for reporting and do the excat same stuff... according to this girl i met last week. Bah! I love journalism and writing, however, i DESPISE this class. ok done for now, i think i am going to go play with my schedule for next semester... funfun!

Auf Wiederschrieben!


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